Feb 24, 2023

Customization Update v1.1.0 Is Live In Public Beta!

The patch is now ready. However, the customizable difficulty that it brings with it, introduces an extensive level of variability of game play. This makes testing and verifying issues in a simulation based game like ours even more complex. While we did our best to identify and fix any problems prior to release, in this case we decided to take extra precautions and launch the patch initially in public beta only. 

In order to join, simply right click on the game in your library, select Properties, Betas and find the "customization_update" branch. We can't wait to hear your feedback, please come share your thoughts about the update to the discussions or our Discord server

And don't worry, this is not the end for Lords and Villeins. We will continue improving the game, and are already hard at work on the next patch - details of this update will be revealed in the next few days!

New Features

Ability to customize difficulty

Ability to customize map creation in various degrees of detail

Ability to customize starting families

Ability to store difficulty and map presets as templates

Added new mountain ore distribution presets

Added new tropical climate, with a warm climate all-year round!

Ability to prioritize blueprints

New "Islands" preset and tweaked existing presets

Added x8 speed (Speed IV)

Added new x32 speed that is available between 10PM and 6AM


Refactoring of mouse hover tooltip elements to provide more unified experience

Consolidated UI of priority screen and accounting report with extra bells and whistles.

New construction queue view in the accounting report

New blueprint context menu after clicking on it

Harsh weather module has been converted to harsh weather climate setting

Redesign of the new game menu screen flow

Removal tools are now permanently visible in HUD. This option can be turned off in the settings.

Updated Unity version to LFS 2021.3.17f1

Replaced old UI switches with new ON/OFF switches

Population book now displays specific age with a tooltip about when adulthood and elderly age is reached

Implemented algorithm for dynamic loading of scrollview content. This will be later expanded on all UI screens to greatly improve their performance.


Fixed multiple bugs with noble marriages

Fixed alchemy not making stamina potions

Fixed alchemist workshop recommending Oven instead of Blast Furnace

Fixed starting resources not being added to generated families

UI Screens are now capped to scale down to fit within screen height if the UI scaling extends beyond the screen border

Fixed number of broken hover effects

Fixed issue with updating UI scaler when screen resolution changes

Fixed issue with animated UI elements for resources not being positioned correctly when UI scaling is changed

Fixed issue with river and sea type not being recognized in created maps

Added mechanism for hover tooltips to be restricted by screen border and automatically reposition

Number of other minor bugfixes